MRI Quench Pipe
Command Projects
Project Description:
Design, fabricate and install a MRI Quench Pipe at CitiScan Brisbane.
What were the challenges?
- The effective management of the project lead to the Quench Pipe being delivered and installed to the satisfaction of the MRI manufacturer.
- Routing of the pipe was difficult, as it passed through multiple rooms and walls, through a concrete floor, under a steel checker plate floor, up through the steel floor and terminated in a PIR panel enclosure on the balcony.
- The Quench Pipe exit needed to be guarded in a way that would prevent anyone being burned by the helium gas escaping in the event of a quench.
- The existing MRI machine had to continue operations for as long as possible, while works were occurring, to avoid services down-time.
How did Davis Welding and Fabrication solve these challenges?
- Multiple site visits were carried out to discuss the design of the quench pipe.
- Carefully studying the specifications provided by the MRI manufacturer ensured all criteria were met.
- Preliminary designs were submitted however the building management were concerned regarding how the pipe would affect the aesthetics of the building. Finally, a design and rout were agreed upon by all parties.
- Careful planning was necessary to ensure all work carried out did not affect other tenants in the building.
- Together with Command Projects we designed an enclosure that will shield the exit point of the Quench Pipe to ensure the safety of personnel if they happen to be in proximity during a quench. This enclosure was specially designed to not restrict the exit in any way.
- As much work as possible was completed before decommissioning of the existing MRI. When the new machine was installed, we only had a small amount of work to do to make the final connections of the Quench Pipe.
Project result
- Effective management led to the project being delivered and installed to the satisfaction of the client and the MRI manufacturer.
May 10, 2022